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Homebrew Club Membership



Join the Homebrew Club! Free Shipping with no minimums and more! Free Shipping, Exclusive Homebrew Deals and the latest information and how-toâ??s from our Homebrewing Experts for only $20/year!Free Shipping : Gone are the days you have to meet a minimum order to get free shipping. With Kegerator.comâ??s exclusive Homebrew Club membership shipping is FREE on all homebrew items all the time. Just need some yeast? Free Shipping. Want to try out a new ingredient kit? Free Shipping. Ran out of sanitizer? Free Shipping. Exclusive Homebrew Deals : Once in the Homebrew Club you will receive exciting deals and promotions exclusive to only Homebrew Club members. If you are into brewing you wonâ??t want to miss these deals! Receive the latest updates and how-toâ??s from our Homebrewing Experts : These updates of what is going on in Homebrewing today and tips and tricks for Homebrewers will make your next brew the best youâ??ve tasted yet! How to Join:Step 1: Add the Homebrew Club to your Cart Step 2: Shop for any other products you might need Step 3: Check Out and Submit your order Step 4: Create a password when prompted on the Order Confirmation Page

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